This eBook Equal Opportunities And Diversity Policy has been compiled as part of the Business Tool Box UK range of Business Employer Policy Documents - price in the UK £5 and in the US $6
GBP £4.99
UK Price £5
US $6
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eBook Content Details:
Every Business Needs To Have Clearly Laid Out Policy Documents To Protect Their Company And Company Directors, Their Employees And Their Suppliers. Each Business Employer is responsible for ensuring that correct documentation and procedural policies are in place. This eBook has been written to cover the need for Employers Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy.
This is another one from the Business Tool Box which have taken the hard workout of compiling the legal framework required to be compliant with the Law for Businesses. This e-book is compiled to be able to protect Your Business from Law Suits And Claims From Employees. The only requirement for the user is to print off and amend with their own Company Name or edit specific paragraphs.
Included within this eBook you will find the following Chapters:
Policy Statement
Direct Discrimination
Recruitment, Interviews And Selection
Terms Of Employment, Benets, Facilities And Services
Clients, Suppliers And Other Third Parties
Bullying And Harassment
Reporting Complaints
Grievance Procedure
Disciplinary Procedure
Monitoring And Reviews
Applied Procedures