Love & Romance coupons that come in a pre-format style and also allows for editable coupons that the user can insert the text they want to include. Coupons can be printed direct from this ebook or from the design page - price in UK £7, in the US $9
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Inside this 24 page eBook you will find 52 pre-formated love & romance coupons and 2 blank coupons which can be both edited and printed using our Design page or can be printed off from the PDF file itself.
These love and romance coupons are available in a pre-formated variety or they can be edited accordingly. Show your partner, spouse, girl friends or boyfriends just how much you love them and need them in your life with these romantic gestures and thoughts, showing just how much you care for them.
These coupons might also give some ideas for Date Nights or to treat that special person in your life or show appreciation through some small thought given to them in some way, that need not be bank busting but will still show the caring side for them in some way.
They will add love and romance to Date Night or add the Naughty Coupon Set (see the back page of this eBook for more) as partners can let their opposites know what they like through offering the coupons.
So no matter what this Valentine Day and every other day of the year you can add spice and show your affection to Date Nights and to those nights between the sheets in the bedroom or anywhere else where you care to go, when you show your hand through these coupons.
It's just a question of whether you will be Naughty or Nice or will Nice lead to being Naughty, the choice is yours.
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