The Metaverse Computer Revolution is here and in this eBook we will look at how the Metaverse will alter the way we act, socialise, work and live. And what the Metaverse means for Business - price in the UK £20, in the US $27
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In this eBook we will Explore The Metaverse Computer Revolution and we will look at the areas below and more. You will learn how you can grow a successful business in the Metaverse and the scams and pitfalls to watch out for. The Metaverse is set to revolutionise the Internet and like how the introduction of Smartphone mobile technology led to Web 2.0 the introduction of the Metaverse is the new Web 3.0
Are you ready to capitalise on The Metaverse Computer Revolution and is your Business equipped for the onset of the Metaverse.
As you journey through the pages of this eBook you will discover all of the below and more.
How the Metaverse will alter the way we act, socialise, work and live.
What the Metaverse means for Business in this new world.
The Commercial Applications of the Metaverse.
Who can benefit from the Metaverse Computer Revolution.
The Advertising Opportunities in the Metaverse.
Content Licensing in the Metaverse.
The issues identified for owners and users of Trademarks in the Metaverse.
The issues identified for owners and users of Patented Inventions in the Metaverse.
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