Your immune system has a key role to play in your body, keeping you safe from the micro-organisms that can cause diseases. This book will show you how by eating the right foods it will boost your immune system. Price in US $12 in the UK £10
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eBook Content Details:
Inside this eBook consisting of over 100 pages you will find Chapters like these:
How the immune system works and what effects it.
How your diet can improve or worsen your immunity.
How to produce Phytochemicals into your diet to improve your immunity.
How Antioxdants can boost your immunity and which food can you find them in.
How to introduce Polysacchardes into your diet to improve your well-being and immunity.
The connecton between cancer and your immune system and how plant-based foods can combat cancer.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: What are they? where to find them? and how can they improve your immunity.
How to add prebiotics to your diet and how it can help to improve your gut health and immune system.
How to add probiotics to your diet and how it can help to improve your immunity.
The Top 10 immunity boosting foods you need to add to your daily regime.
And so much more information that will help you boost your immune system.
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