Susan Bernau

Susan Bernau

About Susan Bernau

Craftydome LLC is Susan Bernau's craft business that she operates out of her "crafty dome".   She grew up in rural USA and married a farmer and still considers herself a countrygal at heart.  She has always been an entrepreneur working for her husband and herself.  Getting her first computer in 1981, she has grown with the technology and is now operating her own laser business and intregrating that with an on-line business.  She has worked as a computer specialist, a copy machine repairman, a dozer operator, a tractor and combine operator, a shepherd and, in her last job, analyzed broken data circuits that ran coast to coast and sometimes overseas to find the area of damage and get techs on site for repairs.  All of these contribute to the wide range of knowledge that Sue has accumulated through the years.  Having learned much, she wants to share her wisdom through her ebooks.  Read, learn, and grow through the reading of her numerous poems and writings.