The Blessing of Everlasting Death The Blessing of Everlasting Death

Religion & Spirituality

The Blessing of Everlasting Death


That which God does shall be forever (Eccles 3:14). Our take on this is that his actions shall have ongoing, non-stop effect. Reading this book will give you a deeper understanding of this glorious truth.


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There is no act of God that, once performed, fades away into a memory hole as is the case with human beings. If we humans want a word to be spoken continually, we must actually keep speaking it. Not so with the infinite God. Every word of his is a living ongoing reality. Because God is eternal, every word of his is eternal both in its effect as well as its duration. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but God’s words will never, ever, pass away (Matt 24:15).

All God has to do is to say something once, and that word continues to exist and operate forever with full effect. In the beginning, all God had to do was to say, “Light. Be!” and there was light (Gen 1:3).  And light continues to be, without him ever having to say it again.

When we say that God speaks once and his spoken word has everlasting effects, we mean not that God has left the universe in the hands of certain scientific ‘laws’ whether of physics or of gravity or of chemistry and so forth. What we mean to portray is the picture of a God who actively maintains his universe in that he upholds all things by the word of his power (Heb 1:3).

What blind men with natural minds call laws are nothing but manifestations of the consistency of a faithful Creator who is upholding his creation. When God speaks, his utterances are alive and powerful. Seeing they possess the life of God, how then shall they die or cease to exist? Seeing they contain the power of God, how then shall they lose their effectiveness and not last forever?

The truth is that what is true of the words of God is also true of his acts. Whatever God does, it shall be forever (Eccles 3:14). Every act of God has eternal significance. Even the types and shadows of the Old Covenant will enter into full manifestation at the return of Christ.

This book deals with the most exalted act of all; that of the culmination of the work of the Son of God; the God-man Christ. Calvary marked the end of his divine work-week, at which point he was able to declare his work to be finished.

It is our contention that the elect have come under the power of an everlasting death that is redemptive in nature. Put another way, we have inherited a life that is perpetually under the power of the effects of the death of Christ causing that his and our enemies, whether sin, self, or Satan, will forever be held under it power thus freeing us to live unto God.

It is a death that destroyed the works of the devil and keeps him forever chained to the iron fetters of everlasting torment.

It is a death that manifests a two-fold impact inclusive of resurrection power. In one instance it causes Pharaoh and all of his chariots to be brought down and fallen while at the same time it allows and empowers the redeemed to be risen and stand upright (Luk 21:26; Eph 6:13) in the presence of the Son of Man.

It is our prayer that you experience the many blessings of everlasting death even as you savor the fruits of everlasting life. God bless.

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