The Foods That Burn Calories Fast helps to fightback against belly fat. Achieve weight loss and improve your overall health. The price in the US $7 and in the UK £5
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eBook Content Details:
Belly Fat has quite a few nicknames. Jelly Belly. Mufn Top. Spare Tire. Santa Belly. Beer Belly. We’ve
heard the derogatory terms and know exactly what they mean. - too much fat around the
middle ofthe body that either sticks out noticeably or ops down over our belts.
For many of us, gaining that spare tyre isn’t intentional. There are many factors that gang up on the
body as we grow older. One minute it seems as if we’re twenty and the next…not so much.
We get busy. In some cases, we’re overburdened with responsibilities. Our health gets pushed to
the bottom ofthe ‘to-do’ list.
Now there is something we can do - there is no magic pill but we can all learn to eat healthy and by understanding how by including negative calorie foods in our diets we can fight back against Belly Fat.
Inside this eBook you will find these Chapters and more;
There's No Magic Pill To Lose Weight
No Fancy Gimmicks
Understanding The Basics Of Weight Loss
Your Body's Silent Workout
Your Body's Secret Weapon
Let's Do The Maths
Stealing From The Store
But Are Negative Calorie Foods Good
Can Belly Fat Kill You
What Exactly Is Belly Fat
Can A Man Carry More Belly Fat
What Belly Fat Means For Women
Teenagers And Belly Fat
Should Thin People Worry About Body Fat
The Outside Versus The Inside
How Much Belly Fat Is Too Much?
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