Big Dave's Anti-Bullying Useful Tips & Advice For Parents & Guardians Who Are Responsible For Children's Well-Being: The price of this in US is $6 and in the UK £ 4 Apply the code BIGDAVE2 to get $2 OFF the price of the eBook
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eBook Content Details:
This is part of a series of anti-bullying techniques and early indications that your son or daughter might be being bullied and how you can help them. There are hints and techniques to identify as well as solutions that you can use to help to prevent your child or children from being bullied.
The Author has been working with Big Dave Gauder who is a multi-award winning Community Engagement Champion and has won several national awards for his work in Schools and Pupil Referral Units in the UK. His work is around anti-bullying and he has presented his program to over one million children and young people throughout the UK.
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