How To Write A Bestseller Pocket Guide 2021 How To Write A Bestseller Pocket Guide 2021

Self Help & Motivational

How To Write A Bestseller Pocket Guide 2021


As Beverly Clearley so aptly said - "If you don't see the book you want on the bookshelf - write it yourself." - This book aims to provide you with an easy to follow guide to writing your very own bestseller. Updated for 2021!


USD $14.50


'How To Write A Bestseller Pocket Guide 2021' If you truly want to write a bestselling book - commit to it, hold it like a dream in both your head and your heart. "Children know perfectly well that unicorns aren't real, but they also know that books about unicorns, if they are good books, are true books" - Ursla K Le Guin. 

Its important that you yourself believe in what you are writing. That you believe in its message, its potential and in its capacity to reach and connect with readers. How To Write A Bestseller aims to help you unlock the child in your readers hearts, to help you to get them to believe in your book and to know that its is a truly good book. By guiding and helping you do this then its likely, if you apply the strategies within, that you may have a bestseller on your hands!

Use Code - Bestseller 2021 - to save $10.00 of the original list price in our sale. Act now and you can have all this for the price of a cup of coffee!


  • Chaz Grimpy
    29 Jan 2021

    Great advice. Has helped me get my writing on track. Well done,

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