If you are busy on the front line this short but insightful e-book is for you. One strategy is identified each month to help you work smarter and live your life with greater satisfaction each and every day of the year.
USD $6.95
Twelve Strategies For Energizing Self On The Front Line provides busy people solutions for reducing stress in any business. The re-energizing strategies are not difficult, they just take some self-discipline and that just might by the hard part. The strategies are all about changing habits and changing habits is not always easy. Sometimes it can take up to three weeks of consistent practice to change a habit. That is why only twelve strategies are included in this short but powerful ebook. Apply one strategy faithfully for a month and you will find:
The content includes strategies for eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising, setting acheivable personal and work goals, claiming the importance of your work, feeding your spirit. and much more.