Read Me LLC

Read Me LLC

About Read Me LLC

Isaiah Mitchell is owner/operator of Read Me LLC and Read Me Productions LLC, each respectively specializing in health and wellness, and web/mobile development. Originally from Stamford, CT born 1986, July 17th. Ok so where do I start LOL! These are my first books I have written so bare with me. Tech is not easy to learn but with "FOCUS" & "NEVER GIVING UP" you can become FINANCIALLY FREE FRFR! LOL! Seriously though, we now have a way better chance of getting out of  "SURVIVAL MODE". From starting a new business to automating your entire operation with Digital Avatars, Websites & Mobile Apps. We also go further into depth by creating "How To Create A Youtube Channel In 30 Days?" and more...

Read Me LLC was orignially formed to help people in our community recognize the “coolness” of reading; to learn and expand their minds. We want to make sure that people are fully informed on the power of Holistic Healing, especially amid this Covid-19 pandemic. However, this journey isn’t solely about fighting Covid-19. Our mission is to help people alter their brain, their thinking; to make better judgments and decisions, to execute their dreams and goals, and to achieve and maintain an optimal level of health, through this pandemic and beyond.


It worked for me, so I am confident it will work for anyone. Trust! I strongly believe that men and women in the community have that power to change their eating habits and cleanse not only their bodies of the toxic things they’ve consumed, but to cleanse their minds and souls with what they watch, listen to and who they associate with. 


Now about this Read Me's Book Club, it is basically a (Digital Library) that will  These are some of the main reasons why I began to write health books. To share my experience with the customers who "LOVE" to read like I do. After being in the Herbal Health Business I also have been noticing how many people want to be more conscious with their health. But without proper guidance and the correct info on herbal medicines and all nataural healing, people will stray away, never fully completing their healing process. Understanding this urgency I have provided Step-by-Step Guides with Grocery Lists, PH balances, Exercises, Meal Plans and more...You will be provided with everything you need, even training videos and more.