by JJ Jennings
Success At Having A Better Marriage, What You Need To Know About Pre-Marriage Counseling
USD $1.98
The style of counseling is becoming more popular in current times and is usually popularly backed by various religions and governmental agencies. This is primarily some to create a better understanding and acceptance of what it entails to be part of a lasting relationship.
Let me explain...
The main idea behind this particular exercise is also to limit the possibility of a high divorce rate and to try and keep couple together as a family unit for the betterment of the children.
Finances are usually a very delicate subject to approach and discuss especially if the couple are still in the early stages of the relationship. This is still difficult even when both parties are contemplating a more stable commitment with each other. A lot of questions should be asked and ideally alot good and intelligent answers should be given, as this will eventually give both parties a clear idea of how each individual handles money issues.
In This Book, You Will Learn:
Counseling basics
Discussing finances
Discussing children
Discussing religion
Coming up with ground rules
And so much more