Charles Harper Interview Part 2

Charles Harper Interview Part 2
Business & Marketing

Charles Harper Interview Part 2


Charles Harper is a former commercial banker, who decided to leave the corporate world behind to become a full-time internet entrepreneur to provide consultancy to marketing professionals.


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Then, in 2015, he started another company, which has become something of a calling card in its own right. And ever since, The PLR Show has created rebrandable marketing training and technical content for online marketers. 

I really started in 2007. Both my wife and I, we were working at a boarding school. What we were doing at that time is we had just finished actually a doctoral programme in instructional technology and we'd done everything except the dissertation. We really were focused in on, well, how do we use this in ways that would not necessarily be directed toward children, but how could we'd be using our own light. We really started our first blog and all that other stuff around about 2006, and we really just took to it and dived in at that point. So, it was really all around based on the fact that we were doing educational programme that was directed toward teaching people how to use technology, and that's where we got immersed.


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