Most of us want wealth. Many of us can only dream about fine wines, private jets, and sandy beaches. We want to go anywhere we want and eat whatever we want.
Most of us want wealth. Many of us can only dream about fine wines, private jets, and sandy beaches. We want to go anywhere we want and eat whatever we want.
This life isn't easy; we must work hard. Many people wake up hoping to turn their lives around. Some would spend a dollar on the lottery, while others would work 9 to 5 and save. Some try the stock market, others YouTube, etc.
This booklet discusses the most powerful habits of the rich and how to adopt them. This eBook focuses on seven habits: frugality; time consciousness; failing fast, learning; learning from other people's mistakes; saying “no” to most things; ambitious; and thirsty for knowledge. You'll read tips to help you realize your dreams and be rich.