Money and Me

Business & Marketing

Money and Me


When individuals try to sit down and write up a purpose or mission statement, they commonly lack sufficient clarity to do so intelligently.


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Simply because you may not have a pre-encoded purpose doesn‘t mean you don‘t have a purpose however. It merely means that it will take more work to specify your purpose. Your purpose isn‘t truly something you discover. It would be more exact to say that your purpose is something you co-create founded on your relationship to reality. I wouldn‘t precisely call it a free choice though. There might be multiple choices for you, but all options are not evenly valid.
What is required is an intelligent method for formulating your purpose, a process that adds up, such that when you arrive at your concluding answer, you have high faith that it‘s right.
The 1st process is to confer with your emotional intelligence. Passion and purpose go hand in hand. Once you expose your purpose, you'll commonly find it‘s something you‘re enormously passionate about. Emotionally you'll find that it's correct.

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