Low-Ticket Profits

Business & Marketing

Low-Ticket Profits


Every business needs something that brings in a constant flow of financial traffic.


USD $9.99


Not quite convinced? Let's take another example, one that is
perhaps a bit more applicable. Let us take an internet business that
sells "How To" products. Now, this business may be really good at
creating intensive and exemplarily video series, but each series has
ten DVDs and costs $100 to the consumer. If that is all the business
does, they are going to have a hard time succeeding, especially in
times when the economy is down. However, there is still hope for this
business. All that would have to do is to create smaller video series or
reports that would cost the consumer less that $30. This would bring
in the foot traffic as well as build up their reputation for good products.
That is what is meant by a low-ticket item being the "bread and
butter" of your business. It is nothing too fancy, but it fulfills a need
and keeps you from going hungry!

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