
Business & Marketing



Last year [1910] fifteen billion letters were handled by the post office—one hundred and fifty for every person.


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Do you find it necessary to adjust the complaint of a client or a customer? A
diplomatic letter at the first intimation of dissatisfaction will save many an
order from cancellation. It will soothe ruffled feelings, wipe out imagined
grievances and even lay the basis for firmer relations in the future.
So you may run the gamut of your own business or any other. At every point
that marks a transaction between concerns or individuals, you will find
some way in which the letter rightly used, can play a profitable part.
There is a romance about the postage stamp as fascinating as any story—not
the romance contained in sweet scented notes, but the romance of big
things accomplished; organizations developed, businesses built, great
commercial houses founded.

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