With this eBook you will receive an Introductory Bonus and a download link that will give you over 5,000 Midjourney graphics that can be found in Books 1-4 but with this purchase you get £50, off than if you purchased each book separately.
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UK Price £100
US $125
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eBook Content Details:
We recognise that Businesses are on a budget and and we have formulated this offer to give an amazing 33% off. The total price of the individual books one to four and the introductory is £150 but if you wish to take the complete Bundle Set we have reduced the price to £100.
Many people and businesses have recognised that AI is the way forward to create their own graphics, ensuring there are no copyright issues and the graphics created look authentic and amazing but are only as good as the prompts that are entered. Although the images created have been done through the Midjourney Platform, most prompts will work on other AI Graphic Platforms, although the images created will vary, but it is still a good starting point for an image creator.
Businesses have realised that unless they get on board the AI Journey they will be left behind by their competitiors and although there are a number of resources for AI image creation most only show you the text prompts. So unless you want to go through each individually which will cost and take up band width, allocated server space, there is no way of telling what each prompt will give you, until now.
We have created what we believe to be the best image prompt creation library of graphics, using the same prompts that we have listed. With over 5,000 images created you will be able to see at a glance how the images will turn out when you use the individual prompts and you can then tweak the images prompts to get exactly or very close to, for example an image prompt for:
'A woman dressed in a Renaissance style gown in a lush garden. The style is reminiscent of Titians work, with the womans flowing hair and the detailed textures of her dress. The lighting is soft and diffused, giving the scene a dreamy quality'.
Could be changed to...
'A child dressed in a Renaissance style gown in a lush garden. The style is reminiscent of Titians work, with the child's blonde hair and the detailed textures of her dress. The lighting is soft and diffused, giving the scene a dreamy quality'.
But from the image gallery already provided for the former you would have a good idea of how the image is likely to turn out, including the style and the nature of the artists work, in the case above the artist would be Titians, but it would look different for example say a Constable.
The only other way would be to go to a prompt shop and search through the many prompts available to find what you are seeking but this will take a lot of time and effort and even then you have to purchase the prompt before you can see the prompt description. So when you purchase this ebook you will have a vast library of graphics available under various catergories to select from. Then using these prompts you are able to create stunning Graphics that will wow your intended audience.
For anyone looking to become a Prompt Engineer (yes there are new roles being created by Businesses for people with experience in Prompt Engineering), graphic and images are a key component. So this ebook is designed to be a standalone but would support our other ebook title ' How To Become A Prompt Engineer'