In this eBook you will better Understand What Is Dyslexia and the Impact It Has On Yourself and on Others. You will find tests and symptoms that will help to identify and also how to cope with Dyslexia - price in UK £6, in the US $7
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eBook Content Details:
In this eBook you discover Dyslexic people are often gifted in visually-based skills such as art, sculpture, design, architecture and engineering. Typically we see people that have diminished verbal or language skills or ability have a higher plain of logic and reasoning. They are often creative, original, lateral thinkers that can succeed at very high levels. Often they may offer their own, unusual way to solving a problem. Because having dyslexia may motivate them to succeed they often have a high degree of determination that can help them out in many other aspects of their life or career.
With all of the negative attention that surrounds dyslexia there are numerous people that have overcome the challenge and risen to prominent positions in their respective fields. There is no reason in the world why you should be any different. All it takes is a desire and will to want to succeed and the effort and patience needed in order to get it done.
The list of those with such success that are or were also dyslexic goes on and on and on. This just goes to show you what a little determination and help can do for oneself. Despite difficulties many dyslexic people have risen to prominence in their specialised fields. Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci were probably dyslexic based on reports and the information we have available to us today and Jackie Stewart and Susan Hampshire are just two highly successful present day figures who are known to have suffered from dyslexia.
Dyslexic people of note include: Tom Cruise, Isaac Newton, Richard Branson, Thomas Edison, Pablo Picasso, Cher, Ann Bancroft, Hans Christian Anderson, Henry Ford, River Phoenix, Charles Schwab, Nelson Rockefeller, Sir Winston Churchill, George Burns, Enrico Caruso, Henry Winkler, Oliver Reed, Harry Belafonte, and Whoopie Goldberg
Included within this eBook you will find the following Chapters:
What Is Dyslexia
What Causes Dyslexia
Symptoms of Adult Dyslexia
Colour Impact On Dyslexia
How Do I Know That I'm Dyslexic
Screening Tests For Dyslexia
Comprehensive Tests For Dyslexia
Strengths Of Dyslexic People
Compassion For People With Dyslexia
How To Deal With Dyslexia
Where Can I Be Assessed
Using Modern Technology To Help Dyslexia
Dyslexia Tips
Dyslexia Tips For Work And School
Dyslexia Grammar Tips
Tips To Help With Adult Dyslexia