by Dave Gauder
Inside You Will Find The Details About World Strength Athlete Dave Gauder and Big Dave's Physical Workout Challenge as well as details about skeletal and muscular groups and various exercises designed around them - price in the UK £10 in the US $12
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UK Price £10
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eBook Content Details:
Dave Gauder is a World Strength Athlete who holds multiple World Guiness Records for amazing feats of strength. When he was young he learned that he could develop his mind and tapped into a character that subsequently became known as Big Dave. Dave has learnt to tune his body and mind to act as a one. Dave has put together his Diamond Challenge which is designed around the bodies capacity and ability to power through to deliver personal bests and stretches the limit of endurance. Using this approach Dave has been involved in helping others develop their own fitness levels and includes two individuals who became World Champions in BKB and now he will help you achieve great things. So if you are looking for a physical fitness book, then look no further and learn from the best in their class.
Included within this eBook you will find the following Chapters:
Understanding the skeletal and muscular body frmaework is all important to ensure that you are exercising the right muscles and working in the right area of the body to be able to meet the physical workout challenge set by Big Dave.
There is also included a fitness planner that allows for meaurements and tracking of the output of the work that is put in to achieve your goals.
There are specific exercises designed around the head and neck, shoulder and arms, the hands and biceps, lungs and rib cage, the spine, trunk and pelvic area, the legs, foot and ankle area.
You will find exercises designed to work the Trapezius, Deltoids, Pectorals, Biceps, Triceps, Obliques, Latissimus Dorsi, Abdominals, Gluteals, Quadriceps, Hamstrings and Calves. All of which will make you fitter, stronger and a powerhouse in the gym, when combined with the right nutrition and lifestyle choices.
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