This ebook will show you how to create and build your own online training course and ways to be able to promote and market your course with market leading Udemy Training Courses - price in the UK £5 and in the US $7
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UK Price £5
US $7
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eBook Content Details:
In this eBook you will discover how you can get the best use of Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with thousands of courses and millions of students. Learn how to create, market and promote your online course and more. It is a for-profit massive open online course provider aimed at professional adults and students. It also allows individuals and companies to build online courses on their preferred topics. Do you have experience on a subject matter that you could bring to the table to help others and be able to earn from this as well as additional income stream.
You will find Ideal tools to work with Udemy Course Building for any Projects that require Supporting Marketing Material in the form of Presentations, Videos, Audio, Digital eBooks, PDF, HTML, MP3, MP4 formats – see more details here…
Included within this eBook you will find the following Chapters:
Introduction To Udemy
How To Make Money With Udemy
Creating Your Udemy Course
Optimising Your Udemy Course
Promoting Your Udemy Course
Find Your Ideal Udemy Course
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