In this eBook learn How To Build & Monetise eBooks and eReports. You will discover Top Tips for authoring your eBook and discover how to avoid common mistakes when designing and creating as well as ways to promote - price in UK £10, in the US $13
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eBook Content Details:
In this eBook you will learn "How to Write, Publish, and Market E-Books" . The e-book gives you solid marketing tips for selling your e-book, including using blogging and social media promotional tips as well as free sites where you can promote your e-book. We look at the three key stages to launching your ebook, the prelaunch, launch and post launch in detail to help you better understand what to expect and what to do in each of these stage to help you maximise your opportunity and ways to monetise your e-book.
You will discover ways to cut out the often common and costly mistakes that many newbies to the world of authoring e-books make and you will find Top Tips for publishing your e-book when it is ready to be launched. Before you take the plunge, get this practical guide. With clear instruction and sound advice, it will help you navigate the world of ebook design and publishing and you to will soon be creating your own digital e-books. Ideal for novices and pro's alike as there are many useful tips to help you edit and author your e-books publications.
Included within this eBook you will find the following Chapters:
Writing A Quality Ebook That Sells
What You Need to Know if You Are Writing an Ebook
3 Good Reasons You Should Write an Ebook
3 Great Tips To Write a Successful First E-book
3 Key Tips for Ebook Writers
3 Tips to Help You do the Research to Write Your Ebook
3 Tips To Write Your E-Books First Draft
Finding Value in Your E-book
When Writing an E-book Go Beyond the Obvious
4 of the Biggest Mistakes Made When Writing
How to Avoid 3 Common Mistakes When Writing E-books
Editing Mistakes You Should Recognise When You Edit
Avoid Ruining Your First Draft Of Your Ebook
How to Create a Strong Cover for Your Ebook
The 3 Stages of Launching Your Ebook
Launching Your Ebook Successfully
5 Top Tips for Publishing Your Ebook
3 Key Ways to Promote Your Ebook
How to Use Social Media to Market Your Ebook
5 Sites You can Promote Your eBook for Free
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