In this eBook you will discover how you can make money with Print On Demand Products & Services that people want. You will also find included an easy 'Walkthrough' of the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Process - price in UK £5, in the US $7
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UK Price £5
US $7
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eBook Content Details:
If you are looking to start your own ecommerce business then you should take a look at this eBook.
Inside you will find an Aladain's cave full of useful advice and tips to make it easy for you to set up your own Print On Demand business. You will learn the processes you will need to follow and what steps are required to set up your own store. We will look at what product areas should you consider and the benefits of a Print On Demand business over a regular online business.
We will take a closer look into the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing process and how to go about setting up a store on Etsy.
We will also explore what is required to set up a successful Print On Demand Business.
Included within this eBook you will find the following Chapters: