In this eBook you will find out the benefits and disadvantages of working from home enabling more agility and flexibility in working arrangements. Many are choosing to start their own businesses at home - price in UK £5, in the US $6
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eBook Content Details:
In this eBook you will learn why and how the proportion of people planning to spend most of their working hours at home has risen. In February 2022, 84% of workers who had to work from home because of the coronavirus pandemic said they planned to carry out a mix of working at home and in their place of work in the future. (According to the Office Of National Statistics).
Employee wellbeing is important, whether they’re in the office or at home. It’s been found that people are generally happier working from home because it allows for more flexibility, but there has been struggles when it comes to communicating and collaborating with teammates.
Included within this eBook you will find the following Chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction – Working From Home is What You Make of It
Chapter 2: How to Structure Your Working Day to Get More Done
Eat the Whole Frog
The 1 Minute Rule
Chapter 3: Productivity Hacks: How to Motivate Yourself to Work
Setting Yourself Rewards
Leaving Work Unfinished
Overcoming Writers’ Block
Prepping Your Work
Creating Accountability
Chapter 4: Finding the Inspiration (The Key to Incredible Productivity)
The Essential Guide For Working From Home
Chapter 5: Optimising Your Health and Wellbeing
Getting Proper Downtime and Rest
Grooming and Self-Maintenance
Dealing With Loneliness
General Health
Fitness and Strength Training
Chapter 6: Creating the Perfect Home Office
Faces and Plants
Chapter 7: The Best Productivity Apps and Gadgets for Working From
Remote Collaboration
Personal Work Flow
Chapter 8: Best Online Jobs
Top Online Jobs
Programmer/software developer
Video editor
Data analyst