EVERY parent should read this book, however old their child. This book delves into the role of the parent and the interaction between their new born through to them becoming a young adult - price in UK £5 price in US $6
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In this eBook you will discover great advice on how to communicate with babies, children and teenagers. From the first moment when the mother and the father begin to bond with their new born baby who has come into their world through to the unruly teenagers who are discovering for themselves what life is about and their forays into the adult world.
This book will delve into the following areas and offer some pratical and useful insights as well as advice for parents. be this there first, second, third or more child. For many parents this is a minefield but there are ways to navigate safely through this with your child and grow together thorugh the love and guidance that the child badly needs from a young age to help them stay on the right path of lifes journey.
Parenting and its definitions
Caring for the newborn in the first year
Caring for your toddler
Parenting teenagers and young adults
5 Parenting mistakes to avoid in raising a teenager
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