The onset of Winter is fast approaching and the cold will be settling in and everyone is worried about the cost of their gas and electric bills. This eBook is designed to help with keeping these costs lower. Price in US $4 and in UK £3
GBP £3
UK Price £3
US $4
Note: This is the approx UK price shown as the purchase is paid through Paypal / Credit Card the actual price is dependent on the $ US exchange rate at the time and may increase or decrease according to the exchange rate when the eBook is purchased.
eBook Content Details:
The information found within this eBook is designed to maximise keeping people warm and at the same time reducing their heating costs that they burn on their energy costs for gas and electric. By utilising other ways to keep warm and recognising energy efficiency and what they themselves can do to help keep themselves and their house warm through the colder months.
With the fast rising costs of gas and electric now is the time to maximise what can be done within the house itself and by making a few small changes to our lifestyle and living it can help to maxmise the most efficient use of energy within our homes today.
This could easily be the best $4 / £3 you have ever spent if you just take up only one of the advice listed and has the potential to save you hundreds if not thoudands over the next few years on your heating and rising energy costs.
Refund Policy: There are no refunds on eBooks as they are delivered in a PDF format.