This is designed to give useful tips and advice on how to grow your own food, saving you money and having the satisfaction of knowing that you have grown the food yourself. The price of this in US is $9 and in the UK £6
GBP £6
UK Price £6
US $9
Note: This is the approx UK price shown as the purchase is paid through Paypal / Credit Card the actual price is dependent on the $ US exchange rate at the time and may increase or decrease according to the exchange rate when the eBook is purchased.
eBook Content Details:
This is designed to give useful tips and advice for the people who want to be able to grow their own food for themselves and their family members. Having that satisfied feeling of knowing they have planted, nutured, and harvested the food on the table in front of them.
The book has interesting content and has many images and accompaning photgraphs to help further explain and bring to life some of the material contained within. The reader can easily find their way around the eBook and will find the following:
Refund Policy: There are no refunds on eBooks as they are delivered in a PDF format.