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Why Do We Fear New Beginnings? The problem with making changes in your life is that they often feel more like endings... which they are. You can’t start fresh without first letting go of something else.


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In “A Fresh Start: The Positive Power Of Embracing New Beginnings” you are going to learn about the power of change and how to embrace it as a source of positive personal growth. You will quickly become aware change does not have to be scary or intimidating, and in fact, it can be liberating and exciting!

 With the “Fresh Start” program, you will discover…

  • The key types of change that you will inevitably face in your lifetime
  • The top 8 fears that prevent us from embracing change and new beginnings
  • The positive power of embracing change and reframing it as a good thing
  • Powerful tips to help you look forward to change and welcome it with open arms

 Stop Fearing Change And Learn To Embrace It…

By following the recommendations in this program, you will quickly understand what it takes to embrace new beginnings in your life. Whether you are changing careers, partners, your location, your group of friends or ANY variance in life, you will see it as a fresh, exciting start. As a way to step into a new version of you

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