Shantia Smith

Shantia Smith

About Shantia Smith

Shantia Smith, Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, Certified Temperament Pastoral Counselor, Professional Clinical Member, Life Coaching, & N.C.C.A. Clinical Supervisor, and CEO of Essential Wellness Ministry & Counseling, Inc.

My credentials include:  Master's Degree in Christian Counseling from the Jacksonville Theological Seminary; Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor; Certified Professional Life Coach; and Certfied Anger Therapist.

I go above and beyond the call of duty, working and volunteering tirelessly, to provide the opportunity for positive change in individuals, families, and communities.  My goal is to help individuals find balance and create the life they want and deserve, so they can feel fulfilled. 

I bring experience, expertise and intuitive vision to create innovative programs.  I provide service delivery with the passion  and experience to lead, the resources to heal, the creativity and life experience to inspire, and the passion to make a difference in indeinduals, families and our communities.

Books By Shantia Smith