This short eBook focuses on 21 subjects of human importance concerning cultures and lifestyles. Each subject receives a critical review from advanced spiritual perspectives with possible solutions or recommendations.
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Upon close examination, it is evident that free will or freedom of choice allows humans to create and engage in preferred cultures and lifestyles. The pursuit of human illusions and delusions plays a critical role. Such cultures and lifestyles usually revolve around - greed, vanity, anger, lust, and excessive attachments to material things, including the accumulation and use of power to control people, places, and things. Here, selflessness is replaced by selfishness. Divisiveness becomes more trendy and beneficial than promoting genuine global unity or preventing destructive human acts.
In this regard, the brief spiritual insights presented in this short eBook about how creation is structured and governed at higher levels become very instructive. Within such governance, the thoughts, feelings, actions, deeds, creative self-expressions, cultures, and lifestyles of every individual, group, institution, or government are captured, stored, and used to implement a cosmic justice system. This eBook outlines some universal spiritual laws, principles, processes, and systems that form part of this cosmic justice system administered by Light and Sound (Divine Spirit) at the highest level.
Enlightened or wise individuals, groups, institutions, or governments can open themselves to the superior direction, guidance, divine intelligence, and knowledge inherent within Light and Sound to elevate cultures and lifestyles globally. Therein, they can also access, find, and use creative solutions to solve problems that work for the good of all by activating higher powers daily to help manage all human affairs using the Soul and its mental and emotional faculties. Some of the ways to achieve these outcomes are also contained within this eBook. Using understanding, forgiveness, compassion, grace, humility, tolerance, patience, and love in all forms - intimate, human, divine, or unconditional - each Soul will discover God's secrets for "Elevating Cultures & Lifestyles Globally: With Light And Sound."