Evans A. Ayres

Evans A. Ayres

About Evans A. Ayres

Evans A. Ayres is the Owner/CEO of two Caribbean-based companies: Evans Ayres Entertainment and the DIGITAL10x MARKETING GROUP. As a Caribbean songwriter, music publisher, record producer, recording artist (Chela One Soul-Orator™), management, marketing innovator, and entertainment entrepreneur, Evans is the brand creator and Executive Creative Director of the - Caribbean ENVO Music Lifestyle Brands™ (CEMLB). CEMLB is a progressive next-generation Caribbean creative industry brand that focuses on music, advanced lifestyle concepts, and merchandising.

Under the CEMLBs advanced lifestyle concepts are the branding of three (3) sub-brands: Lifestyle Of The Heart™, Be-Health-Wise™, and Beyond-D-Music™.

These three sub-brands are used to engage, share, or expose global audiences to various human interest subjects; advanced spiritual lifestyle concepts; provide insights on creativity, the arts, methods, and techniques. Evans uses these three (3) advanced lifestyle concept brands in his capacity as a: writer, blogger, and author.

Books By Evans A. Ayres