Driving Animals Coloring Book 1 Driving Animals Coloring Book 1

Arts & Entertainment

Driving Animals Coloring Book 1


Grab a copy of this delightful collection of 8 original creative pictures designed especially for you and your family, to copy, enlarge and color.


USD $1.50


Grab a copy of this delightful collection of 8 original creative pictures designed especially for you and your family, to copy, enlarge and color. Great to settle anxious kids...believe me, I make them available in my classroom at the school I teach. The kids love the pictures and it gives them an opportunity to develop their fine motor control, pencil and pen grip. Ideal activities for those with dyspraxia and or dysgraphia - non threatening for these kids to develop their finger and hand control

  • Sue Grand
    13 Jan 2021

    Love the range of animals. Used the extra picture to enlarge. Can have endless number of pictures. Thanks so much.

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