Ricki Nappi ND DIhom FBIH

Ricki Nappi ND DIhom FBIH

About Ricki Nappi ND DIhom FBIH

Rick Nappi ND DIhom FBIH has been a dedicated cutting edge pioneer in research and formulating of health protocols and products for top tier physicians from prestigious institutions such as the Mayo Clinic. His 30 year research and development has focused on natural phytochemical properties applied toward mitigating and or preventing the progression of Angiogenesis (cancer tumor growth) and mitigating other unavoidable maladies ranging from obesity, arthritis, Hep-C, diabetes, organ protection, decreasing or inhibiting aophthalmic conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, and other maladies through the use of natural phytochemical applications. Rick Nappi is currently formulating anti-angiogenesis products, assisting in preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor and overall health enhancement. The author of several books, lecturer, and reference source for top tier medical institutions. He is the author of “The Gold Standard” for Oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC) claims. Known today as “Antioxidant” claims. Original developer of "The Cocaine Test Kit", among other innovations. Monarch Manor Farm a 40 acre property in Florida is presently where he conducts research and development of advance phytochemical modalidies. He also conducts live video health topics and product recalls on Facebook.


Books By Ricki Nappi ND DIhom FBIH