

About DjinnPhiz

Photographer and Documentary-maker by education and trade, has nevertheless also always been a "pen-scratcher".

Photographer and Documentary-maker by education and trade, DjinnPhiz has nevertheless also always been a "pen-scratcher".

Being a multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-lingual character who has lived in eight different countries, has contributed much to a rich background history filled with a plethora of experiences that have each, in their own way, contributed to various other published works – albeit under his original name. 

Djinnphiz is an “Artist”, a multi-faceted creative and a practical Dreamer who has always enjoyed blending the imaginative with the more quotidian, mundane and down-to-earth...


So why the "nom de plume"...?

The mystical, magical World of the Féya occurs a dimension whose exploration deserves to be undertaken by a reader without any a-prioris concerning this "reporter" coming to muddy the waters.

After all, this is, going to be your trip – and whether you believe in those "others” who inhabit the Uttrevëlt or not, those secrets that are revealed within these pages are destined to remain either discounted and forgotten – or accepted, appreciated and absorbed as that part of the "hidden" within the deepest parts of our Souls to which we all nevertheless owe our own Féya inclinations...