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    "Why Understanding Customer Needs is Key to Successful Product Design" "Customer-Centric Approach: Building Products That Meet Needs, Desires, and Wants" "The Real Product: Addressing Underlying Needs and Desires for Business Success" more

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  • Unleashing the Hidden Potential - Entrepreneurship, Aspergers, and the Power of Technology in Business Unleashing the Hidden Potential - Entrepreneurship, Aspergers, and the Power of Technology in Business
    Self Help & Motivational
    Unleashing the Hidden Potential - Entrepreneurship, Aspergers, and the Power of Technology in Business

    50% Book Launch Discount. "Unleashing the Hidden Potential: Entrepreneurship, Aspergers, and the Power of Technology in Business” offers a solution for entrepreneurs struggling to find their place, particularly those with Asperger's syndrome. more

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  • 7 mistakes to avoid if you want successful business
    Business & Marketing
    7 mistakes to avoid if you want successful business

    It is relatively easy to start an online business. But of you don’t approach this in the right way you will never be successful. Many people that start an online business give up on it in a very short time. We do not want you to do the same. more

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  • 5 tips for making your website social media friendly
    Business & Marketing
    5 tips for making your website social media friendly

    If you're a business owner with a website, you are probably already familiar with how to incorporate search engine optimization best practices to ensure your site is found on Google and other search engines. more

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  • 5 top tools for starting a membership site
    Business & Marketing
    5 top tools for starting a membership site

    Starting a membership site is a dream for everyone who believes that the professional services that they provide require a private access while making money through the paid memberships of their subscribers and the sale of their products. more

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  • 5 ways to generate free traffic
    Business & Marketing
    5 ways to generate free traffic

    No matter how cool your business’ website is or how fantastic your product, you will never generate enough sales to build a viable business if you don’t get any traffic to your website. more

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