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  • Tips and Tricks for Success for Young Entrepreneurs
    Business & Marketing
    Tips and Tricks for Success for Young Entrepreneurs

    Till now you have read some of the characteristics of entrepreneurship. “Practice makes perfect” is the motto about everything in life and especially if you are a business owner. more

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  • The Successful Entrepreneur
    Business & Marketing
    The Successful Entrepreneur

    They say that true success is not in employment but in doing business. And yes, many entrepreneurs have proven that doing businesses is actually more profitable than getting employed into some company. more

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  • SuccessfulSalesmanship
    Business & Marketing

    No moment of time is wasted; no pros-pective customer ever displeased; no hope for an eventual repeated sale of goods and services ever lost when friend-liness, courtesy, consideration, Learn More>>>> more

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  • Article_Wizard
    Business & Marketing

    Traffic is the pre-requisite for any successful business. Just like how a typical brick and mortar shop needs people walking around to see their shop, an online business needs eyeballs as well. more

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  • Big Book Of Home Business Lead Generation
    Business & Marketing
    Big Book Of Home Business Lead Generation

    This book will serve as an indispensable guide to learning about the concept behind how people generate endless leads for their home based businesses. more

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  • The-Business-Builders-Formula
    Business & Marketing

    Most people when they think of creating a business online, they think of creating a product, selling the product, and hope to make enough capital to finance their next product idea. more

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