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  • Playful
    Self Help & Motivational

    “Playful: The Importance Of Playfulness And Humor For Adults” is a guide that will uncover the power of reconnecting to your inner child and learning how to enjoy life all over again. more

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  • Purposeful Life
    Self Help & Motivational
    Purposeful Life

    “A Purposeful Life - Finding Meaning & Fulfillment In a Complex World” is a book for anyone who feels like they're searching for something more in life. It serves as a beginner's guide that will introduce you to the concept of purpose. more

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  • Redemption
    Self Help & Motivational

    “Redemption: Making The Most Out Of Your Second Chances” is a guide that will examine what second chances look like and how they show up in our lives. more

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  • Rest
    Self Help & Motivational

    “REST: The Unique Upside Of Taking Deliberate Downtime” is a book that defines what rest means and the incredible benefits it can deliver. You'll learn what happens if you don't get enough rest and relaxation. more

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  • Rethinking Fear
    Self Help & Motivational
    Rethinking Fear

    "Rethinking Fear" is a revolutionary guide that challenges and changes your perception of fear. Instead of seeing it as a crippling factor, it shows you how to leverage fear as a springboard towards success and personal growth. more

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  • Mastering the Art of AI: Unleashing Creativity with Powerful Prompts
    Business & Marketing
    Mastering the Art of AI: Unleashing Creativity with Powerful Prompts

    You're about to dive into an amazing book called "Mastering the Art of AI: Unleashing Creativity with Powerful Prompts." more

    USD $7

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