Rest eBook

Self Help & Motivational

Rest eBook

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“REST: The Unique Upside Of Taking Deliberate Downtime” is a book that defines what rest means and the incredible benefits it can deliver. You'll learn what happens if you don't get enough rest and relaxation.


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Maximize Productivity, Well-Being And Personal Success Through Proper Sleep and Relaxation Habits

Do you often find yourself feeling exhausted, stressed, and burnt out?

Do you struggle to keep up with the demands of daily life and feel like you're never quite caught up?

Now more than ever, people all over the world are suffering from lack of physical, mental and emotional rest. This often leads to higher levels of stress… which can ultimately cause health problems.

The dangers of no rest are very real. You've probably experienced some of them before. There has no doubt been some time in your life when you couldn't let up, physically or mentally.

Maybe some negative life change cranked up your emotional stress and didn't let up for several days (or weeks).

Perhaps you even suffered some of the common side effects that come with lack of sleep and rest including…

  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Chronic pain and inflammation
  • Poor physical productivity
  • Stress in your relationships
  • Impaired memory and brain functions
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • A deficient immune system

… among many others!

If that's happened to you, then you understand how important rest is for helping you create the best life experience.

That’s why it's time to prioritize rest.

In today's fast-paced world, taking time for rest and rejuvenation can seem like a luxury.

However, it's essential for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

That's why I've written an ebook on the importance of rest and how to incorporate it into your daily life.


REST: The Unique Upside Of Taking Deliberate Downtime” is a book that defines what rest means and the incredible benefits it can deliver. You'll learn what happens if you don't get enough rest and relaxation. Then you'll take a quick look at the difference between rest and sleep and how these activities are closely related.

In this program, we will focus on five major areas of your life that regular rest can greatly improve. It will illustrate why rest is important and share tips on how to benefit from more rest in each of these areas.ere’s a quick overview of the key lessons shared in this program…

  • The power of REST and why you need to daily
  • Incorporating rest into both home life AND work life
  • The power of physical rest and how to begin
  • The power of mental rest and how to incorporate it into your life
  • The power of social rest and how to get started immediately

Incorporating proper rest time into your daily life can refresh and recharge you for better productivity and well-being... even if only for a few minutes. Order your copy today to get started…

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