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  • Aromatherapy
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

    With the toxic cocktail that often makes up the composition of our perfumes it pays to create your own from scratch. more

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  • Aromatherapy_bonus
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

    Works well in conjunction with lavender, citrus oils, jasmine and juniper. It acts as an antiseptic, bactericide and parasiticide. Also known to have a laxative effect. more

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  • Aromatherapthy
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

    You have probably heard the term Aromatherapy and wondered what exactly that funny word, „aromatherapy‟ actually means. more

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  • Athletic Training
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
    Athletic Training

    Exercise and diet is just the start of reaching peak performance, however equipment, exercise types, body types, and how the exercises work plays a vital part in reaching peak performance. more

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  • Back Training
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
    Back Training

    But the back is the key area you can train to significantly change the proportions of your entire body, so people notice even when you’re fully clothed. more

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  • BeatingInsomnia
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

    It should be a very simple thing to go to sleep. How complex should something be that is an innate ability? It shouldn’t take much effort at all. more

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