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With the toxic cocktail that often makes up the composition of our perfumes it pays to create your own from scratch.


USD $9.99


No matter just how “organic” or natural perfume manufacturers claim their fragrances to be often you’ll find an alcohol base in there somewhere. This alcohol or “phenol” as its derived from the alcohol family and is used to give fragrances their scents.
Phenols are tolerated in small doses but in larger doses can irritate and burn the eyes and the lungs. It is a neurotoxin and can affect the heart and the nervous system causing seizure and coma.
Long term exposure to phenol can affect the liver and kidneys.
You don’t want that on your skin, so why not make your own perfume? After all, every celebrity and their accessorized dog is.
From Britney Spears to J Lo to Paris Hilton now even Kim Kardashian has her own fragrance. These ladies know that perfume is big business and that even our emotions and yes, even a person’s self esteem can be inextricably tied to the scent you wear.

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