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  • Self Love
    Self Help & Motivational
    Self Love

    Self-love is the ultimate way to boost your self-esteem and become a fully healed and integrated human being. People often come at the idea backwards. more

    USD $15

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  • The Anti Aging Book
    Self Help & Motivational
    The Anti Aging Book

    No one wants to get older but unfortunately, until they discover an elixir of youth, it’s fairly unavoidable. You can however control how you get older with a few simple tips covered in this book. more

    USD $17

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  • Weight Loss made Simple Weight Loss made Simple
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
    Weight Loss made Simple

    The simple answer to weight loss no fluff more

    USD $5

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  • Wholeness
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

    In the United States and Western Europe, we are caught in a health crisis. People are becoming functionally not well due to dissociation with themselves and their bodies. This book gives you a prescription for returning to yourself and your life. more

    USD $20

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  • The Grief and Loss Workbook
    Self Help & Motivational
    The Grief and Loss Workbook

    Grief is something you never truly recover from. Don't get me wrong, there is healing from grief and loss. You will recover from the intense pain; and with the information contain in this book, you will move forward. more

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  • The Journey of Grief and Loss
    Self Help & Motivational
    The Journey of Grief and Loss

    The grieving process can be long and arduous, but it’s absolutely necessary to move forward with your life. This book along with it's accompanying workbook shows the prove methods of coping with loss in a healthy manner. more

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    USD $10

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