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  • Imagine
    Self Help & Motivational

    In “Imagine – The Power Of Imagination” you are going to learn how to unlock the full creative power of your brain. You will discover not only how to tap into the power of your imagination… but also develop and strengthen it. more

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  • Mental Muscle
    Self Help & Motivational
    Mental Muscle

    “Mental Muscle – How To Strengthen And Toughen Your Mentality” you'll learn how developing mental toughness will empower you to reach your full capacity and achieve triumph in every aspect of life. more

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  • Rest
    Self Help & Motivational

    “REST: The Unique Upside Of Taking Deliberate Downtime” is a book that defines what rest means and the incredible benefits it can deliver. You'll learn what happens if you don't get enough rest and relaxation. more

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  • Rewire Positivity
    Self Help & Motivational
    Rewire Positivity

    “Rewire Positivity: Flipping The Switch From Negative To Positive” is a guide that will uncover a systematic approach that anyone can follow to become a more positive, happy, optimistic and joyful person. more

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  • Self-Hypnosis Handbook
    Self Help & Motivational
    Self-Hypnosis Handbook

    “The Self-Hypnosis Handbook” is a guide that will uncover a powerful process that anyone can use to reprogram their subconscious mind to embrace new, empowering, positive habits and behaviors. more

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  • The Lifelong Learner
    Self Help & Motivational
    The Lifelong Learner

    “The Lifelong Learner” is a guide that will show you the many reasons why you should continue learning throughout your entire life. We'll cover the myriad of benefits that a healthy pursuit of new knowledge and skills can deliver. more

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