This Sahara series story (40 books) is about Teuns Stegmann’s adventures in the Sahara desert. Together with his four loyal friends in the French Foreign Legion, they experienced one after the other exciting, tense, and action-driven adventure. more
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View DetailsThis Sahara series story (40 books) is about Teuns Stegmann’s adventures in the Sahara desert. Together with his four loyal friends in the French Foreign Legion, they experienced one after the other exciting, tense, and action-driven adventure. more
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View Details"Why Understanding Customer Needs is Key to Successful Product Design" "Customer-Centric Approach: Building Products That Meet Needs, Desires, and Wants" "The Real Product: Addressing Underlying Needs and Desires for Business Success" more
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View DetailsStarting a membership site is a dream for everyone who believes that the professional services that they provide require a private access while making money through the paid memberships of their subscribers and the sale of their products. more
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View DetailsThe Scriptures have a lot to say about prayer. They inform us by both examples and command how to pray, why, and what for— and may surprise us more than once about what to ask! more
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View DetailsDrop shipping is a business model that offers low startup costs. It's important to consider the pros and cons before choosing this business model. Over 13,000 Words more
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