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  • Bodybuilding Applied - Big Fat Lies
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
    Bodybuilding Applied - Big Fat Lies

    Exercise, nutrition and the proper mental attitude (positive self-image) are the only things you need to lose fat permanently. Supplements are not a requirement. more

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  • Bodybuilding Competition Guide
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
    Bodybuilding Competition Guide

    There are several weight classes in a competition, and depending on the level and type of competition, a contest can have as few as one (open), or as many as seven. more

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    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

    Have you ever dreamed about getting that "Schwarzenegger" body? If you have, then you don’t have to dream anymore. Today, gyms and fitness centers can provide you with the body you have always dreamed of having. more

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  • Bodybuilding vs. Strength Training
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
    Bodybuilding vs. Strength Training

    To the casual observer, a bodybuilder walking shirtless down the beach represents the epitome of health, fitness and athleticism simply because they “look” like they’re in great shape. more

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  • Body_Language
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

    Body language is another form of subtle communication often practiced consciously or unconsciously. This “language” is fast gaining the interest of many people. more

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  • Bulemia
    Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

    We have all been there: turning to the refrigerator if feeling lonely or bored or indulging in seconds or thirds if strained. more

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