Perfect First Date

Love & Romance

Perfect First Date

Seller Keywords:

Success At Having Better First Dates=Best First Dates Ever!


USD $1.66


In the first date scenario, the individual has to do virtually everything right, if there are intentions to secure a second date with the other party. This is very important as first impressions are often the deciding factor that will dictate the tone of the encounter and the second date possibility.

 There are usually a lot of emotions and thoughts surrounding the times before and at the onset of the first date. While attempting to sieve through all these, the individual would also have to make the necessary preparations to ensure the date goes well, while ensuring, the possibility of getting a second date is sealed.

Let me explain...

These are all fairly difficult and stressful elements to consider, especially if the individual does not consider himself or herself a confident, impressive and totally capable date partner.

In This Book, You Will Learn:

Prepare for Your First Date
Things to do

What to wear
Where to Go
And so much more!


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