The Bible & Science

Religion & Spirituality

The Bible & Science


Science has come along way. Yet if God made Creation then much of Science is in the Bible


USD $6.95


If you really think abut it, if God is for real, and he is, then he would leave clues of himself in creation.  Like an artist leaving his signature on his painting, so God left clues about himself spread throughout all creation and there are even scientific scriptures detailing laws of science that eventually got discovered.  If it was just one than you might have an argument to say that is just coincindence, but there is just to many coincidence and scriptural reference that would make one wonder in awe.  Just for starters, DNA is like a program but a bio-living program.   Yet a program points back to a programer, not just results of random chance.  Usually things that happen by chance tend toward the negative.  

If you would like to find out how science truly syncs in with scripture than go ahead and grab it before the price goes up.

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