Zen and the Art of Cooking Wholesome Food

Food, Cooking & Drink

Zen and the Art of Cooking Wholesome Food


Explore the art of cooking wholesome food in the kitchen from a metaphysical and philosophical point of view. The recipes presented here are sure to excite your palate and open your mind to the mystical aspect of cooking.


USD $2



Step into a world where the art of cooking transcends the kitchen and becomes a profound journey of the soul. In "Zen and the Art of Cooking Wholesome Food," this insightful exploration draws parallels between the act of preparing and savoring wholesome cooking and the philosophical musings of Robert M. Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." With several different types of cuisine, you will embark on a culinary pilgrimage that will not only delight your senses, but will resonate with the mindful presence of Zen practice. This is a different kind of cookbook, which we think you will appreciate.

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