200 + Interesting Soup Ideas

Food, Cooking & Drink

200 + Interesting Soup Ideas

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I LOVE soup and have it almost daily through the year ... YES, even in summer! Hopefully this eBook will instill a love for soup!


USD $7


Soup contains the very essence of all that is nourishing and sustaining in the foods of which it is made. The importance of soup is to consider the purposes it serves in a meal. When its variety and the ingredients of which it is composed are thought of, soup serves two purposes: rst, as an appetizer taken at the beginning of a meal to stimulate the appetite and aid in the ow of digestive juices in the stomach; and secondly, as an actual part of the meal, when it must contain sucient nutritive material to permit it to be
considered as a part of the meal instead of merely an addition.

Although I use a lot of the same recipes I do like to check out new ones all the time ... and also like to try varying ingredients sometimes. If you're a soup lover, this book is for you ... enjoy!

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