The book offers practical strategies for building an email list to effectively market to. It emphasizes creating compelling "lead magnets" to attract sign-ups to your list while conveying what you offer and appealing to target customers.
The book begins by providing some background on the history of email marketing, from the first commercial emails sent in 1978 to the rise of automation and mobile optimization in recent years. It sets the stage for why building a mailing list is important for businesses looking to advertise and reach customers directly.
Key Sections:
Attract Clients with a Compelling Lead Magnet
This chapter focuses on creating an effective lead magnet to grab prospective subscribers' attention. Examples like free samples and trials, webinars, infographics and more are discussed. There is advice on building a solid landing page to house the lead magnet while utilizing ads, social media, blogs etc to promote it. Guidelines detail what makes for an appealing and useful lead magnet.
Set a Concrete Plan of Action
Next, the book advises brainstorming an organized plan when building your mailing list. Important elements include:
Researching target customer demographics and problems to solve
Studying competitors
Asking key questions to focus your brand and objectives
Using strategies beyond generic sales language to craft emails
Solidify Your Email List’s Profitable Status
With a subscriber base established, maintaining positive ongoing relationships is emphasized here. Welcoming new members, granting control preferences and consistently sharing relevant content are covered as engagement best practices. The chapter also examines segmenting groups based on behaviors to customize communication appropriately in a non-intrusive, spam-free manner.
Additional tips like showing loyalty incentives, keeping campaigns thematically consistent and reminding less active subscribers about offerings intend to translate interest into profit.
The book closes by recapping how strategic email marketing, built on an ethical, secure subscriber list that provides value, can greatly benefit companies. Key reminders are:
Lead magnets should compellingly reflect what the business provides
Email copy and visuals should be professional and intriguing
Subscribers should feel their preferences are respected
Communication needs to be adapted for different member segments over time
Overall it offers very practical guidance on assembling an email list for maximizing reach while nurturing mutually beneficial relationships.
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