Bodybuilding - Nutrition

Health, Fitness & Lifestyle

Bodybuilding - Nutrition

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You achieve such changes through hormonal release, an increase in metabolism and the preservation and enhancement of muscle tissue.


USD $9.99


The recommended dietary allowance, or RDA,
for protein is approximately .36 grams per pound
of bodyweight. Based on that, a 200-pound man
would require a mere 72 grams of protein daily.
That may be sufficient for a sedentary individual,
but when you factor in strenuous activity such as
endurance or weight training, the RDA is grossly
inadequate. In fact, research studies have suggested
that consuming the RDA for protein during periods
of intense training may lead to loss of
muscular tissue.1,2 It’s apparent that protein requirements
depend on an individual’s activity
level, to the extent that a range between .64 and .91
grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is appropriate.

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